This site isn't any "kewl" queer site any 13-year-old could make. It has no stollen "text files" from verious geocities pages, no "how to make |3O/\/\Z shit, and no cookbooks and doesn't support anything like the "anarchy cookbook" and shit like that. If you don't agree with what was just said and like the "anarchy cookbook" and others then I suggest that you leave. But this site does have information on how to make homemade fireworks, fireball, and explosive devices, not bombs. Some of the explosive devises and fireballs discribed as whatever bomb like a gas bomb isn't really a bomb, that's just what it's know as by everybody and I wouldn't want anybody to get confused. This site is about pyrotechnics as a hobby and not as a way to vandalize, destroy, and kill or injure people and property. So once again if you want to do any of that I suggest that you leave.

But if you wan't to persue pyrotechnics as a hobby you may read on. Then when finished go to the links page and go to the linked sites written by people who have the same opinion as mine for more and probibley better information. Remember to fallow the right safty precations and use the right safty equipment. Enjoy this site!
